The Gand of Three

A tale of greed and deception unfolds as three employees of a charitable guest house exploit their position for personal gain. When a young man seeks justice, a clever plan reveals the truth, leading to a significant change in management.

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The Pigeon’s Message

In the prosperous kingdom of Shripur, a devious plot unfolds as a jealous king seeks to incite chaos. A mysterious pigeon delivers a message that leads to unexpected consequences, testing the integrity and wisdom of King Subirsen and the scholars vying for position.

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10. The Prince and the Wizard

This captivating tale follows Badal as he seeks vengeance within a royal palace, only to find himself entangled in a web of intrigue involving a wizard, a frightened queen, and an odd dream of a ghoul. As the royal court faces unexpected challenges, the mystery deepens, leaving the king anxious about the safety of his kingdom.

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