Two Wise Brothers

In a tale of misunderstanding and humor, a hunter captures an otter and seeks to present it to a landlord, only to encounter the amusing folly of the landlord’s tipsy younger brother. This light-hearted story highlights the wisdom of the elder brother amidst the folly of youth.

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The Art of Deception

In a tale of promise and trickery, Ratan’s recovery leads him to outsmart both his friends and the deity. His clever sale of a cow and a cat reveals the thin line between faith and deception.

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21. The Final Preparations for Battle

In the epic saga of Rama, the Vanara army, led by their devoted leader, undertakes the monumental task of constructing a bridge to Lanka. With courage and determination, they pave their way towards a fierce confrontation, echoing the age-old conflicts of duty, honor, and the looming threat of war.

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