The Blind Beggar
There was once a barber in Kabul who, through the passing years, went blind and had to give up his trade. But having a family
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There was once a barber in Kabul who, through the passing years, went blind and had to give up his trade. But having a family
Continue reading »Many centuries ago, the ruler” of an ancient kingdom in North India was a king named Narendra, who had three sons, Pingala, Hitendra and Pramod.
Continue reading »Long ago, the country of Den- mark was ruled by a wise and just king. He had two daughters and a son. When the children
Continue reading »Once there was a king who had fallen in love with a beautiful princess. He wished to marry her, but he could not, for a
Continue reading »Many years ago, in a village on the banks of the river Ganga, there lived two young men named Sangay and Pratap, who were devoted
Continue reading »Once upon a time, there was a farmer who was very ill. He had an only son, called Colin, who had tried every cure possible
Continue reading »A teacher had two pupils who could never agree on anything. At the slightest pretext, these two pupils would shout and storm at each other,
Continue reading »The village dhobie had a donkey who got fed up carrying a load of washing to and from the dhobie ghat daily. One evening as
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