The Nobleman

This heartwarming tale follows Rao Sahib, a nobleman who invites his entire village for a feast, only to discover that one man, the poorest among them, could not attend. It challenges the notion of nobility and kindness, revealing that true nobility may not come from status or wealth but from one’s actions and integrity.

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The Prisoner Who Escaped

A nobleman finds himself trapped in a heavily guarded prison, with no hope of escape. However, defiance and God’s intervention prove to be powerful allies in his quest for freedom. Will he succeed, or will he pay the ultimate price for his audacity?

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The Complete Scholar

Join Vijay on his transformative journey from a curious young man to a complete scholar, as he navigates the dilemmas of life and learns valuable lessons from a wise hermit and a humble potter.

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The Enchanted Raga

In a small town, a singer named Manohar captured the hearts of many with his unique rendition of a single melody known as Raga Neclambasi. This enchanting music not only delighted his audience but also had an unexpected effect on those who heard it.

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A Matter of Right

In a tale of simplicity and cunning, Shankar, a naive man from Gangapur, becomes embroiled in a conflict over money and loyalty when his clever wife, Kamla, seeks to appropriate his brother’s funds. A twist of fate reveals the true cost of trust in familial bonds.

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The Other Way

In a village, a zamindar threatens a poor man over unpaid dues, but a chance encounter with the king’s minister shifts the balance of power. A clever twist reveals the man’s intent to reclaim his dignity through irony.

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The Greatest Liar of Them All

In a kingdom where truth holds little weight, a jester challenges the courtiers to prove their worth in a contest of lies. As the competition unfolds, the king watches with intrigue, and even the proud pundit Bhaskar Sharma is drawn into the fray.

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