Useful Indeed

In the tale of the zamindar of Shobhanagar, an intriguing encounter unfolds with a would-be con artist claiming to possess a rare and valuable herb. However, when the zamindar’s esteemed physician arrives, the true nature of the herb—and the intentions of its seller—are brought to light in a clever twist.

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A Strange Meeting

In a curious twist of fate, two brothers embark on a pilgrimage, only to discover that they share more than just a common destination. Their journey reveals the surprising bond of family, even amidst the quietude of the road. Join them as they uncover the connection that ties them together, despite their seemingly distant lives.

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Two Interpretatios

In a tale of justice and deception, King Rudradev faces a moral dilemma when he learns that the interpretation of a stranger’s words can lead to life or death. As he weighs the truth against compassion, the king must make a pivotal decision that reveals the complexities of judgment and mercy.

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