The Nobleman

This heartwarming tale follows Rao Sahib, a nobleman who invites his entire village for a feast, only to discover that one man, the poorest among them, could not attend. It challenges the notion of nobility and kindness, revealing that true nobility may not come from status or wealth but from one’s actions and integrity.

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Do It Again

A villager arrives in town only to find himself in unexpected trouble after a habitual belch. A clash with the temple priest leads to a humorous encounter with a judge, culminating in a twist that turns his punishment into a clever solution.

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Prince Charming for a Night

When Kunal Verma was appointed as the Governor of Kuberpuri, he was greeted with a heartfelt welcome song that made him feel like a true prince. However, as he learned more about the song’s history, he discovered the bittersweet truth behind the warm accolades.

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The Superiority Fee

In a small village, two talented singers, Sudhakar and Kinkar, are invited to perform to raise funds for a crumbling temple. What starts as a friendly competition takes a turn when Kinkar demands a higher fee, believing himself to be superior. However, Sudhakar’s selflessness reveals a deeper truth about generosity and recognition. Discover how their performances shape the village’s spirit.

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In the ancient tales of gods and demons, Kacha, the son of the guru Brihaspati, embarks on a perilous journey to learn the secret hymn, Sanjeevani, from Shukracharya, the demon guru. As Kacha faces numerous challenges and eventual betrayal, his quest intertwines with love, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

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Half of the Problems Solved

After years apart, Ramu reunites with his childhood friend, Pintu, who offers a tonic to alleviate Ramu’s back pain. However, the remedy brings unexpected twists to their friendship and highlights the importance of honesty in relationships.

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From Darkness to Light

In a moment of darkness, a man’s attempt to steal a timepiece leads to an unexpected turn of events. As he navigates through his embarrassment, he finds a surprising way to shed light on the situation.

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The Great Killer

In a chilling encounter, a hermit discovers the servant of Death amidst a devastating epidemic. As the hermit confronts the figure, a surprising truth about fear and mortality emerges, revealing the true nature of the calamity.

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Saving the last Thing

A gentleman’s visit to a friend takes an unexpected turn when he forgets his belongings. In a rush to retrieve them, he meets with calamity that leads to a humorous yet frustrating experience. This tale highlights the perils of forgetfulness in a light-hearted manner.

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More Valuable Than Gold

A mother’s promise can hold immense power, shaping her child’s understanding of trust and integrity. In this heartwarming tale, a young boy’s cry for a gold chain leads to a profound lesson about the value of keeping one’s word.

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