Who is Better?

“The Royal Court of Persia: The Battle of Wits Between Jealousy and Loyalty”

The Royal Court of Persia

Long ago, the land of Persia was ruled by a renowned Badshah. His two advisers, Kamat and Harun, served him loyally. Among the two, Harun was the better adviser, which sparked jealousy in Kamat. Matters worsened when the Badshah praised Harun extensively, leading Kamat to plot Harun’s downfall. However, Kamat knew he could not kill Harun secretly, as the people adored him and he was always surrounded by devoted friends. Therefore, Kamat patiently waited for an opportunity to slight and humiliate Harun.

The Death Sentence

One day, the palace guards captured an offender and brought him to court. The Badshah, after hearing the case, sentenced the prisoner to death. Heartbroken by this punishment, the criminal, who claimed he was innocent, vehemently abused the Badshah. Unable to hear clearly, the sovereign asked Harun to explain what the man had said. Harun replied, “Sire, this man claims that God loves the meek and humble. By executing him, you would be killing an innocent man. Surely, the king would not wish to bear the stain of such a sin.”

Kamat’s Deception

Kamat, who was waiting for a chance to strike, hastily spoke up, “Sire, I am a true and loyal servant. I would never lie to you. But Harun, whom you regard so highly, has allowed this criminal to abuse you with vile language. Command me to tear his tongue out!” The Badshah looked at Kamat sharply and responded, “Kamat, I prefer Harun’s lie to your truth. Harun lied with the good intention of saving a man’s life, whereas you speak out of jealousy and a desire to discredit Harun.”

The Consequences of Jealousy

Poor Kamat was crestfallen. Unable to live with the shame of being found out, he chose to leave the land of Persia forever, never to return.

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