Their Village
In the village of Virtal lived three loafers. They bullied everyone, making it difficult for the common people to protest against their misconduct because they were musclemen and violent.
One day, they stole a fowl from a poor farmer’s roost, cooked it, and ate it. The farmer mustered his courage and, instead of complaining to the local authorities, he went directly to the king to report the matter. Consequently, the three young men were summoned to the royal court.
“Did you steal the farmer’s fowl?” asked the king sternly.
“My lord, the fellow had no fowl at all. Where is the question of our stealing it?” replied one of the young men.
The king pretended to believe him.
“What! Did you not steal my fowl and carry it to a spot under the banyan tree by the lake?” questioned the farmer.
Looking at the king, the second young man said, “My lord, there is neither a lake nor a banyan tree in our village!”
The king feigned belief in this claim as well.
“What! Did you not do so on Monday at sunset?” the farmer yelled in frustration.
Inspired by the king’s readiness to believe them, the third young man exclaimed, “My lord, there is neither Monday nor sunset in our remote village!”
“Enough! Throw these fellows in the dungeon!” ordered the king, finally seeing through their deceptions. The loafers’ reign of terror had come to an end, and justice was served in the village of Virtal.