The Youth Who Disappeared
The Wealthy Dhanapal
Long ago, in a distant land, there lived a rich man named Dhanapal. Despite his wealth, he had no children, which troubled him deeply. One day, he dreamt that a sage had blessed him with a son, but with a warning: if the child’s feet touched the ground, he would disappear.
The Birth of Hope
Joyful yet anxious, Dhanapal awaited the arrival of his son. Sure enough, by the end of the year, a baby boy was born. Though not superstitious, Dhanapal remembered the sage’s warning and instructed his servants to ensure that the boy’s feet never touched the ground. Five years passed under this careful watch.
The Disappearance
One day, the maid in charge of the boy was distracted by a noise from the garden. In that unguarded moment, the child slipped down, and at once, he vanished without a trace. Distressed, Dhanapal sent his men all over the country in search of his son, but no sign could be found.
The Haunting Mystery
Years later, strange happenings began in Dhanapal’s palace. It seemed as though someone was moving about, sneaking into the kitchen to steal food. Even the beds bore the imprints of an unseen presence. Dhanapal offered a reward to anyone who could solve the mystery, convinced it was connected to his son’s disappearance. However, despite many attempts, no one succeeded.
The Sisters’ Quest
When all hope was lost, two sisters came forward to uncover the mystery. On the first night, the elder sister entered the haunted room, armed with food and a blanket. At midnight, she sensed an unseen presence and looked up to see a handsome young man standing before her. He asked if the food was for him, to which she replied affirmatively.
A Shared Meal
Once the young man noticed the bed in the corner, he inquired about it. The girl claimed it was for her, and with that, he wandered out of the room. The next morning, Dhanapal was thrilled to hear of her encounter and rewarded her. He then turned to her sister, Rohini, asking if she could do better.
The Journey to Paradise
On the following night, Rohini took her turn in the room. When the young man arrived, she offered to share her food and even suggested he sleep on the bed while she rested on the floor. The youth graciously accepted, but first, he needed to thank those who had helped him throughout the years.
The Reunion
He then entered a secret tunnel, with Rohini following closely. They arrived at a beautiful paradise, where birds of all kinds swooped down when they saw him. Rohini observed everything closely before returning through the tunnel to wait for him. Upon his return, they enjoyed a lovely dinner, and the youth slept on the bed.
A Tearful Conclusion
The next morning, Dhanapal burst into the room, where he recognized the young man as his long-lost son. Their reunion was filled with tears of joy. Dhanapal learned that a certain enchantress had caused his son’s disappearance due to a wrong committed by Dhanapal’s family. From that day on, Rohini and the young man were married, living happily ever afterward.