The Prince and The Golden Peahen

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a prince who loved his domain and his people. His peaceful realm was disturbed when a golden peahen, who would collect apples from the royal garden, went missing. The prince vowed to find the golden peahen, leaving his kingdom on a remarkable journey fraught with trials and challenges.

The Hermit’s Advice

On his journey, he sought help from a hermit who resided in the outskirts of the kingdom. The hermit advised him to follow a bear, always turning right until he reached the City of Peahens where he hoped to find the elusive bird. Thanking the hermit for his wisdom, the prince continued his search. The journey led him to a city guarded by soldiers who, upon learning the prince’s identity, led him to the queen’s palace.

A Queen’s Request

The queen gratefully welcomed the prince and allowed him access to all parts of her palace, including the twelve dungeons. She, however, warned him against opening the twelfth dungeon. Overcome by curiosity in the queen’s absence, the prince transgressed the queen’s directive and opened the twelfth dungeon only to find a barrel-bound creature begging for water. Despite his reservations, he quenched the creature’s thirst, inadvertently releasing a terrible dragon.

The Quest for Redemption

Filled with remorse, the prince undertook a mission to slay the dragon who had kidnapped the queen. His journey introduced him to a parched fish, a trapped fox, and a wolf pinned beneath a rock. On helping each creature, he received a token and a promise to help should he require it. He then encountered the old hermit once again who told him the secret to defeating the dragon – securing a swift horse from a woman who lived in the mountains.

The Final Showdown

Upon securing the swift mare after three nights of trials, the prince headed towards the dragon’s palace. Reuniting with his queen, they rode back to their kingdom on the mare’s back. Enraged, the dragon chased after them. However, with a burst of wisdom from the swift mare, the dragon was defeated, bringing about peace once again in the prince’s realm. The prince and his queen reigned over their kingdom, living happily ever after.

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