The Jester’s Wisdom
Gopalsen, the jester in the court of Rajpur, carried a message from his King to the King of Loypuri.
The King of Loypuri was a jolly man who spent his time and resources on hunting, feasting, and other forms of merriment. Gopalsen stayed in his court for a week, amusing him with his jokes and wit.
“I will pay you twice as much as you currently receive if you stay in my court,” proposed the King of Loypuri.
“No, my Lord, I must return to my King,” replied Gopalsen humbly.
“What is the charm of your King? Am I not greater than he?” demanded the King of Loypuri.
“My Lord, how can there be any comparison between you and him? You are like the moon on a full moon night, while my King is like the moon on the first night of the lunar fortnight,” said the jester. The happy host rewarded Gopalsen generously for his cleverness.
“How do you justify your comparison?” the King of Rajpur asked his jester upon his return.
“My Lord, I found that the King of Loypuri is wasting his time and wealth. Like a full moon that begins to wane, he will eventually decline. As for you, my King, you will begin to prosper,” said Gopalsen.
The smiling King nodded in appreciation of Gopalsen’s wisdom.