The Great Chance Lost
Once, a few centuries ago, a German traveler ventured to see the city of Amsterdam in Holland. Soon after his arrival, he came across a magnificent palace. With the few Dutch words he had picked up, he asked a passerby, “Who is the builder of this palace?” The passerby replied, “Kannitverstan!”
Curiosity Arises
Shortly thereafter, a grand bridge, a tall pillar, and a beautiful church attracted his attention. When he asked, “Who made this?” he received the same reply from various people: “Kannitverstan!”
The Great Man
“Kannitverstan, who has built so many things, must be a very great man. I should not miss the opportunity of meeting him,” thought the traveler. However, before he could arrange a meeting with this esteemed figure, he noticed a long, silent procession following a dead body. When he inquired, “Who died?” he was told, “Kannitverstan!”
A Heavy Heart
With a heavy heart, he returned to Germany, having narrowly missed meeting such a great man. Until the end of his journey, he remained unaware that “Kannitverstan” in Dutch actually meant “I don’t know!”