The Giant and the Egg

“In a royal palace, a wise king faces a giant’s challenge, sparking a moment of surprise and cleverness that will be remembered forever.”

Unexpected Arrival

One morning, a guard approached the king with strange news. At first, the king did not pay much attention to the information, but the guard’s insistence piqued his curiosity. The king then sent an officer to investigate the garden. To their astonishment, they discovered a huge egg!

A Growing Problem

Soon after, the egg burst open, revealing an infant giant. Fascinated by the creature, the king nurtured him in the palace. However, as time passed, the giant became a menace. He grew rapidly and consumed larger and larger quantities of food. His appetite seemed insatiable, but what worried the king even more was the realization that the giant craved human flesh.

A Dangerous Encounter

Twice, the giant caught hold of different palace servants and was about to devour them when they were rescued just in time. Alarmed, the king ordered the giant to be kept in solitary confinement. Despite these efforts, the giant managed to break free.

A Test of Worth

One day, the king confronted the giant. “Listen, fellow, it is time for you to leave for the land of giants. We have tolerated your presence for long enough.” The giant protested, “No, my lord! I will stay here.” The king was at a loss regarding what to do until the court magician offered some advice. He proposed a test for the giant: “If you can pass this test, you may stay. If you fail, you must depart to the land of giants.”

The Challenge

“What is the test, my lord?” queried the giant. “You must succeed in making an egg stand upright on a table,” replied the king. The giant, confident in his abilities, declared, “That should be easy. I belong to the species of egg-giants. I accept your challenge!”

The Outcome

The next day, the giant was brought to the dining table and given an egg. Despite his efforts, he struggled to keep it standing. Then, the king took the egg and succeeded on his very first attempt. The giant watched in disbelief as the egg stood upright, and quietly left the palace, never to be seen again.

A Clever Trick

“My lord! How did you perform that miracle?” queried the minister. The king smiled and revealed the secret: he had placed a spoonful of salt under the tablecloth at a specific spot, which allowed the egg to stand vertically. This clever trick had ensured the giant’s departure from the kingdom.

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