Sanction Obtained

“The Moment of Realization: A Thief’s Journey Towards Redemption Under the Banyan Tree.”

Two thieves were passing through a village when one of them decided to enter a hermit’s hut. He emerged moments later with a plate in his hand.

“Is it not a great sin to steal a hermit’s property?” asked the second thief, gazing at his companion.

The first thief paused for a moment, considering his friend’s question. Finally, he replied, “Let me obtain the hermit’s sanction for it.”

The hermit was seated peacefully under a tree. The thief approached him, bowed respectfully, and admitted, “I must confess that I have stolen a plate.”

“Return it to its owner. That will free you from your sin,” advised the hermit.

“Please allow me to give it to you,” pleaded the thief.

“No, I won’t have it. Give it to its owner,” the hermit insisted firmly.

“What if the owner does not accept it?” asked the perplexed thief.

“In that case, you can keep it,” answered the hermit.

“Thank you, holy man!” the thief exclaimed joyfully as he rejoined his friend.

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