A Direction from the Deity

In a certain small town lived a wealthy trader. He had three trusted sons and three dutiful daughters-in-law. The sons worked hard at his direction, just as the daughters-in-law did, for he was against employing any servants for household chores. He also frowned upon spending money on physicians since he believed in maintaining sound health by following certain disciplines. The only time he had to leave the keys to his steel trunk, which held his money, was when he went to take his bath. He entrusted these keys to his eldest son whom he trusted the most.

Trusting His Daughters-in-Law

One day, while preparing for his ritual bath, he found that all his sons had gone out on important business. Worried about the safety of the keys, he decided to give them to his youngest daughter-in-law. “I leave these in your custody because I trust you,” he whispered to her


An Unexpected Doubt

However, he had only taken a few steps when doubt began to cloud his mind. What if the youngest daughter-in-law betrayed his trust? He returned home and called the eldest daughter-in-law aside, whispering, “I have left the keys with the youngest. Keep an eye on her!”

His concerns didn’t end there. He quickly called the middle daughter-in-law to his side and instructed, “Watch the movements of the other two.” Finally, feeling somewhat relieved, he proceeded to the river.

Theft Under the Trader’s Nose

The youngest daughter-in-law was eager to open the steel trunk as soon as the trader was out of sight. Yet, whenever she approached the room, she noticed that the other two were watching her. However, bonded by their friendship, the three of them smiled at each other. Together, they opened the room and the trunk, retrieving three thousand rupees. When he returned from the river, the trader found them performing their usual household chores. The youngest daughter-in-law dutifully returned the keys to him.

A Mysterious Purchase

After lunch and a brief rest, the trader and his sons went to their shop, allowing the three young ladies to visit the bazaar. They bought three fine sarees and some ornaments for themselves. When the trader noticed them in their new clothes that evening, he wondered how they could afford such luxuries.

The second daughter-in-law stepped forward to explain, “Father, something strange happened this afternoon. A vendor of sarees insisted that we buy three sarees from him. When we pleaded that we had no money, he said, ‘My daughters, you forget whose daughters-in-law you are! No other women in this world are blessed with such a father-in-law. Choose your sarees now. Your father-in-law will pay me even after I depart.’” They hesitated at first.

A Miraculous Encounter

The youngest daughter-in-law continued, “What happened next was a miracle. The door to the treasure room opened slightly, and a golden hand extended towards us, holding three thousand rupees. A charming voice said, ‘I am an emanation of Goddess Lakshmi, the presiding deity of this house. The vendor, who holds your father-in-law in such high regard, should not go unpaid. Here is some money. Buy the sarees, and with the surplus, purchase anything else you desire.’ The hand vanished after giving us the money.”

“Yes, father,” said the eldest daughter-in-law. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t witnessed it myself.”

Reflections of a Trader

The trader remained silent, unable to sleep that night. “I was only away for two hours, leaving the keys with the daughters-in-law, and the result was that I lost three thousand rupees. A day will come when I must depart, leaving the keys behind. How will these ladies use the money then? It would be better to give them opportunities to satisfy their wishes from now on. Otherwise, their suppressed desires, when released suddenly, could wreak havoc on the wealth.” However, he realized there was one bright side—the daughters-in-law had strong unity among themselves, and he hoped it would last.

A New Perspective

The trader’s behavior changed. He began to spend liberally for the happiness of his family, gradually feeling inspired to contribute to the welfare of society as well.

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