
In a quaint village, a humble woodcutter named Raju encounters a trickster named Monu, who twists words and meaning into a comical conflict. Little did Monu know that his antics would lead to his own downfall when a wise magistrate intervenes.

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Our Custom

In a tense encounter between the Nawab of Arcot and an East India Company officer, a seemingly trivial diamond ring becomes a symbol of pride and cultural differences. The officer’s insolent behavior provokes a clever response that leaves him reflecting on his actions.

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The Forest Prince

In a long-ago kingdom, a hunting king finds love in the forest, leading to a series of unexpected adventures. When the king’s son sets out for the palace, he faces trials and treachery, revealing the true nature of friendship and destiny.

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Selecting The Bride Groom

In a land ruled by wisdom, a scholar’s foolish son faces dire consequences in his quest for love. As the princess sets an arithmetic challenge for her suitors, a clever answer leads to unexpected victory.

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This is a tale of unwavering faith and misplaced pride. A disciple’s deep belief in his master enables him to perform miracles, but when the master attempts to replicate this feat, his arrogance leads to dire consequences.

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The Clever Wife

Discover the tale of Hari, a farmer burdened by his forgetful wife, Muniya. As misunderstandings arise and tempers flare, a twist of fate leads to unexpected consequences, changing their relationship forever.

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The Turtle and the Monkey

On a sunny island in the Pacific, a turtle discovers a floating tree and schemes to grow bananas. But when a greedy monkey enters the picture, things take a hilarious turn. Will the turtle outsmart the monkey, or will he end up empty-handed?

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The Secret Treasure

In the city of Kancheepuram, a merchant’s sudden death leaves his family burdened. As secrets of a cursed treasure are revealed, greed leads to tragic consequences until love ultimately triumphs over despair.

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A Clever Answer

In the enchanting land of Kashmir, a revered scholar named Kasinath finds himself entangled in a web of jealousy and deception. When commanded to heal three troubled individuals, Kasinath must navigate the perils of power and the consequences of his abilities. Can a great scholar outsmart those who envy him and fulfill the king’s impossible demands?

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The Magic String

In a kingdom ruled by the self-absorbed King Nagpal, whimsical orders lead to unexpected adventures. This enchanting tale unfolds the clever schemes of his Minister, Devnath, who brings a dazzling trick to life, revealing both resourcefulness and the striking power of magic.

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