A Pleasant Surprise

A tale of community spirit and unexpected generosity unfolds in the village of Shyampur, where the residents band together to build a new temple. When the miserly landlord initially hesitates to contribute, a clever plan leads to a delightful twist during the donation meeting.

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Accurate Prediction

In a tale woven with humor and fate, Bhombal learns the precarious nature of life and death through a series of unfortunate events. What starts as a reckless endeavor leads him to ponder his destiny in a most unexpected way.

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The Reward

In ancient China, a devoted son named Tong honors his father’s dying wish despite their fall from wealth. Through unexpected love and sacrifice, he discovers the true meaning of devotion, loyalty, and destiny.

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A Pair of Cuckoo

In a delightful encounter along a village road, Jagu discovers that the cooing sound he hears is not quite what it seems. His playful mimicry leads to an amusing revelation shared with his friend Ravi, showcasing the lighthearted moments of friendship.

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The Prisoner in the Rock Castle

Subir, a loyal officer of a merchant ship, finds himself embroiled in a web of betrayal and intrigue after delivering a letter for his dying captain. Accused of conspiracy, he must navigate treachery and ultimately discover hidden treasure in a desperate bid for freedom.

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Meditation with Cats

In a world shaped by misunderstanding, a hermit’s simple act sparks a curious tradition. As he returns after twenty-five years, he discovers the surprising legacy of his teachings and the unintended rituals that have emerged in his absence.

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The Ambitious Priest

In search of recognition and a more prestigious position, Ram Shastri, a respected village priest, leaves everything behind for the chance to serve the king. However, his ambition leads him to an unexpected and disheartening outcome.

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The Lure of Halwa

In a village where frugality reigns, Gangoo’s obsession with saving money leads to unexpected consequences. As he tries to avoid expenses for his daughter’s marriage, little does he know that his penny-pinching ways will come back to haunt him. Dive into this amusing tale of greed, unexpected visitors, and a heartwarming surprise.

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Case Adjourned

In a perplexing turn of events, a newly graduated lawyer finds himself in a dilemma with his former mentor over a unique payment condition for legal fees. As the courtroom drama unfolds, unexpected logic leads to an astonishing verdict.

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A Night in the Jungle

Discover the tale of Shyam, a young man raised by a kind guardian, who embarks on a bizarre journey through the jungle and encounters unexpected challenges. Follow his adventure as he strives for acceptance and inadvertently finds a fortune that changes his life forever.

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