He Who Made Good
There was once a wealthy merchant who had three sons. After they had finished their studies, he called them to him one after the other
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There was once a wealthy merchant who had three sons. After they had finished their studies, he called them to him one after the other
Continue reading »In a particular village, a priest was in charge of a temple. Being a kind-hearted man, he would treat the common ailments of the poor,
Continue reading »In a particular village, there was a gardener named Papa. He was an expert in growing prize-quality vegetables. He had only a tiny plot of
Continue reading »In Mithila, there was once a Kshatriya youth called Yasha-Vardhan. He was brave and daring. He was also quick-tempered. Fearful of none, he led a
Continue reading »King Bimbisara of Kosala had several odd dreams one night. On waking up, he sent for the wise Brahmans and told them about his dreams.
Continue reading »One day a vendor came along a village street with a sack of cucumbers. An idler stopped the vendor and began to ask him all
Continue reading »In a particular village, there were two brothers. Both were married. The Elder’s wife came from a low-income family, while the Younger’s went from a
Continue reading »In a particular country, there was a wealthy man. He was also a great miser. He remained a bachelor because he did not want to
Continue reading »King Udayana of Vatsa belonged to the fantastic Lunar race and was a descendant of the Pandavas. His Minister, Yougandha-Narayana, helped him marry Vasava-datta, Ujjain’s
Continue reading »In Sravasthi, there once lived a good-natured youth called Suputhra. After his father’s demise, he took great care of his widowed mother and spent all
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