The Village Headman
The village headman was certainly a brainless individual. A peasant came to him one day and complained. “Sir, the sacred village bull has strayed into
Continue reading »was a classic Indian monthly magazine for children
The village headman was certainly a brainless individual. A peasant came to him one day and complained. “Sir, the sacred village bull has strayed into
Continue reading »It was a public holiday, and all the villagers sat in the shade of the temple courtyard, laughing and joking. Then who should come along
Continue reading »Once there lived a little man named Spiro. Although he was tiny, he was also very clever and fearless, and one day he decided it
Continue reading »Two thousand seven hundred years ago, there lived in China a famous scholar. His name was So Po Tavu, and although his knowledge was vast,
Continue reading »A long, long time ago, in the ancient Indian province of Bengal, there lived a famous Governor. He was pleased, for he had a charming
Continue reading »An older man and woman were crying beside a girl in ancient Japan. Suddenly, they saw a finely dressed young man standing beside them. “Why
Continue reading »Two friends who lived in the same village were also companions in misfortune. This predicament had come about be- cause both of them had gone
Continue reading »There once lived a merchant, bad-tempered and mean, with never a kind word for anyone. Unfortunately, his wife was no better. Perhaps they would have
Continue reading »Once there lived a poor peasant whose wife had died, leaving with three sons. When they were old enough, he called his sons together. “I
Continue reading »Many years ago, there lived a- farmer in Russia with three sons. The youngest of the three was called Ivan, but he was a halfwit.
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