Clinch the Deal!
The Meeting
One day, a poet came across a certain landlord and recited a small verse in his praise. In the verse, the landlord was described as being equal to God Indra in power.
The Reward
“Wonderful! This poet deserves a handsome reward,” the landlord said to his clerk. Encouraged by the landlord’s reaction, the poet recited another verse, describing the landlord as equal to Kubera, the God of Wealth.
A Greater Reward
“The poet deserves a far greater reward than I had in mind earlier,” exclaimed the landlord, glancing at his clerk with enthusiasm.
The Twist
Feeling triumphant, the poet took his seat, awaiting his reward. The clerk, lowering his voice, asked the landlord, “How much should I pay him for a reward?”
The Deal is Clinched
“Not a paisa,” whispered the landlord. “He flattered me; I also flattered him equally. The deal is clinched!”