Krishna and Govinda were friends residing in Panayur village. One day, they set out for the weekly market, which was about ten miles away. They had hardly stepped out of their colony when they saw the milkman coming from the opposite direction. He was carrying a pot of milk in his hand. “Ah! That’s a good omen,” remarked Krishna.
Govinda had no belief in superstitions. “There’s nothing like a good omen or bad. Whatever is to happen will happen, that’s all,” he countered. Despite their differing views, they continued on their way and eventually reached the marketplace.
Upon arrival, they found preparations underway for a meeting. They learned that an important person was set to speak. Curious, they joined the crowd, and soon the speaker arrived. By a strange coincidence, his speech focused primarily on superstition and omens! The audience listened with rapt attention.
“That was a good speech!” Govinda commented, echoing the general praise. With a hint of triumph, Krishna replied, “Didn’t I tell you that the milkman with the pot of milk was a good omen? See! We could listen to a good speech.”