A Test for the Lucky Lady
Sumati Devi was very fond of saying, “I don’t understand why people quarrel among themselves or why they get agitated!” Those who heard her remarks would praise her, saying, “You are so innocent that you don’t know what anger is!” Sumati Devi was always pleased to hear such comments.
One day, an ascetic visited her house and asked her for some food. Sumati Devi then inquired, “Baba, can you tell me why people become agitated or angry? Why do they quarrel?”
“Did I not ask you for some food? What business do you have to dump such nonsense into my ears?” the ascetic retorted.
“What! Did I utter nonsense?” demanded Sumati Devi, visibly agitated.
“Why are you getting angry?” the ascetic asked calmly.
“Did I become angry?” Sumati Devi replied, becoming even more distressed.
“Did my simple question sound like nonsense to you?”
The ascetic laughed and inquired, “Did you find an answer to your question? It is ego, my child; ego is at the root of anger, agitation, and quarrels. You are fortunate that no one has wounded your ego until today. The true test came when your ego was wounded by me.”