The Professor’s Courtesy

The joyful moment of discovery: Shanti helps her professor realize a small mistake, surrounded by the warmth of their South Indian classroom.

The class was over, and the students dispersed. However, the professor remained in the room, searching the table and chair for something. He opened the drawer several times, his brow furrowed in concentration.

“Did you misplace something, Sir?” asked Shanti, the last student to leave the room.

“Yes, it was very hot today, so I took off my coat and necktie,” the professor replied apologetically. “But while I was putting my coat back on, I don’t know what happened to my necktie!”

Shanti giggled and replied, “Sir, haven’t you already put it on?”

Suddenly, the professor realized she was right. He was pleased and thanked Shanti for her observation. However, as he got into his car, he felt that merely saying thank you was not enough. He paused and added, “It was really good of you to point that out. Otherwise, I would have gone home without it!”

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