Strange Are the Ways of Mangoes
Riavi sat beside the landlord during a feast thrown by the village merchant. As it was the season for mangoes, the host had arranged for the best quality mangoes to be served to each guest.
While eating, the stone from Ravi’s mango slipped from his hand and fell onto the landlord’s banana leaf. Ravi felt a wave of fear wash over him; the landlord was a proud man and might take offense. Fortunately, the landlord was looking in another direction.
After a while, the landlord glanced at Ravi’s leaf. Nervous, Ravi blurted out, “Strange, my mango had no stone in it!”
“Is that so?” asked the landlord, noticing two stones on his own leaf.
“Look here,” he said excitedly, “My mango had two stones in it! Strange are the ways of the mangoes!”
The landlord had found something exciting to talk about, and for years, he shared this amusing story with others.