Two Friends
Re and Hari were friends when they were young. However, after completing his education at the village school, Hari left for Varanasi, where he became renowned as Pundit Harihar Shastri. Meanwhile, Ramu remained in their village, working as a poor farmer.
Years later, while the Pundit was returning to his ancestral village, a man came running towards him and prostrated himself before him. “Harihar! I’m an illiterate farmer, tilling the soil and growing crops, while you are cultivating knowledge and wisdom.” said Ramu.
Pundit Harihar replied, “Ramu, once a stone boasted to a pool of mud, ‘Look at me! I sparkle and am used to build temples and palaces. People despise you because they wash themselves if they touch you.’ The pool of mud responded, ‘Fool! People care for you only when they are well-fed. Do you know how they get food? The crops grow from the mud.’ That silenced the stone. Ramu, both mud and stone have their purposes. It is unwise to consider one inferior to the other.”
Ramu then shared another story, “Once a teak tree said to its neighbor, a banyan tree, ‘Look at my strength. People use me for my durability.’ The banyan tree replied, ‘That’s true. However, I am content with providing shade to travelers during the hot hours of the day, and people show me reverence.’ This humbled the teak tree.”
“Thus, it is clear that we all have roles to play in society, and we should fulfill them well,” concluded Pundit Harihar. The two friends embraced each other, cherishing their friendship and the wisdom they found in their different paths in life.