The Third Party

In a South Indian field of contention, the wisdom of the earth brings peace to a heated quarrel between two men, guided by the serene presence of a humble hermit.

Two men were arguing in a field, their angry voices and aggressive gestures attracting a growing crowd. Each man claimed the field as his own, leading to a fierce quarrel between them.

“There goes the famous hermit. Why don’t you ask him to mediate between you?” someone suggested. This prompted others to rush to the hermit and bring him to the scene.

The hermit listened patiently to both sides of the dispute. He then stated, “You are only two parties. However, there is a third party: this earth. Let me hear what she has to say.” He reclined on the ground and pressed his ear to the earth, as if trying to listen for a response.

After a few minutes, he rose and told the eager crowd, “The earth says that she belongs to neither of you; instead, both of you belong to her. Sooner or later, you will each find a little place within her embrace. Therefore, the earth advises that when you walk upon her, you should not scream and gesture wildly, but rather approach with humility.”

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