A Royal Dilemma
Once upon a time, there was a foolish king who seemed quite oblivious to the reality around him. Sadly, he had no minister to counter his whims or provide sensible advice.
The king announced that anyone who could narrate interesting dreams to him would be rewarded. Hundreds flocked to the palace, eager to share their dreams. The king instructed the minister to accommodate the dreamers in the royal guest house, as he could not hear all of them at once.
The minister worked tirelessly to assemble the dreamers before the guest house. However, the crowd quickly grew chaotic, blocking the way for those wishing to enter.
“What is the matter?” asked the king, noticing the commotion.
“Your Majesty, the crowd insists that they should sing for you before sharing their dreams,” replied the minister. The king looked pensive.
“I have no time for songs or dreams. Let the guests leave as they please,” said the king, dismissing the situation entirely.